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Bettina Marta Rosa Mottura 0


国籍 意大利 母语意大利语 精通语言 职务米兰大学汉语教授


Her research interests focus on the field of discourse analysis, which she primarily applies to the Chinese media and public institutions discourse, in combination with other methodological perspectives. Chinese Culture and its contemporary representation in is another key area of interest.


(2020) Keywords in Chinese Political Language, Milano: Edizioni Unicopli.

Journal Articles or Book Chapters:

 (2017) “‘Disclosure Is the Norm, Non-disclosure Is the Exception.’ A Genre-Based Analysis on Institutional Discourse on the Government Information Disclosure in China”, in Silvio Beretta, Axel Berkofsky, Lihong Zhang (Eds.), Understanding China Today. An Exploration of Politics, Economics, Society, and International Relations, Berlin: Springer, pp. 289-301. 

(2018) “Il fantasma del traduttore nella stampa cinese: alcune riflessioni sulla traduzione istituzionale”, Altre modernità 19 05/2018, pp. 144-158. 

 (2019) “Lo sport e l’industria culturale in Cina”, Sulla Via del Catai anno XII vol. 21 [Il corpo della Cina: sport, politica e identità], pp. 63-77. 

 (2020) “Traduzione e ricezione dell’opera di Pearl S. Buck in Cina”, in Valeria Gennero, Maria Gottardo e Junwei Yao, Sguardi interculturali. Pearl S. Buck e la Cina, Verona: Ombre corte, pp. 161-171. 

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