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国家: 中国 成立时间:2010-11-25 机构类别:出版原创 网站: wangc77480.qiyegongqiu.net/


中国新闻出版研究院隶属于国家新闻出版广总局,是我国唯一的国家级新闻出版专业研究机构。其主要业务是开展新闻出版领域的相关科学研究,为政府和业界提供全方位的决策咨询和智力支持。同时,还承担政府管理部门委托、安排的各项工作任务,组织编撰、出版新闻出版类专业书刊,承办新闻出版和新媒体领域的大型会展活动。 近年来,中国新闻出版研究院负责“丝路书香工程重点翻译资助项目”、“中国图书版权输出奖励计划”、“中国图书对外推广计划”等重点工程的组织和实施工作,在推进中国文化“走出去”方面发挥着独特作用。 " Subordinate to State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, Chinese Academy of Press and Publication is the only state-level research institution on press and publication.It mainly conducts relevant research in this area, providing comprehensive consulting and intellectual support for the decision-making of the government and the press & publication field. Meanwhile,it also undertakes tasks entrusted and arranged by the government authority, organizes the compilation and publication of books on press and publication, and holds major exhibitions in press & publication and the new media.In recent years, Chinese Academy of Press and Publication has been responsible for the organizing and implementation of major projects such as "Financing for Major Translation Projects on the Books Relevant to the Belt and Road Initiative","Chinese Books' Copyright Export Rewarding Initiative" and "Chinese Books' International Promotion Initiative", playing an unique role in facilitating international understanding and acceptance of the Chinese culture.