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诗之光 中国当代非主流诗人诗选 0

颜海峰 电子版 下载


图书分类:文学 图书标签:中国现当代诗歌 语言:汉语 出版时间:2021-08-15 书号:978-1-68372-381-3
出版社: 美国南方出版社 已译语言: 暂无
输出国家: 暂无
译者: 暂无

This book selects 80 poems of contemporary poets of China, including two chapters:"The Light of the Poem - WeChat Official Account"and"Chinese Jiandu Poetry - Chinese Poetry Net Forum". The poets selected are seldom seen in major poetry magazines of China, but their poems are as well-written as the so-called major poets, either from the topics chosen or from the techniqUES applied, enriching the poetic eco-environment of China. The translators are masters from universities of China majoring in translation and their translations are proofread by Professors teaching and practicing translation, thus a guarantee of readability to the extent possible.